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goalmap - SMART goal setting to stay mot





版本需求:Android 4.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:GOALMAP SAS Avenue Louis Philibert CEEI Provence Domaine du Petit Arbois 13100 Aix-en-Provence

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## 100,000 people are reaching their life goals on GOALMAP, the perfect self help app for your well-being. Join our community and stop procrastinating! ##

Aren’t you tired of taking resolutions that you then break due to a lack of time or motivation? Wouldn’t you like to build new habits that actually stick, introduce more well-being in your life and get a better work life balance? Then try GOALMAP!

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GOALMAP is a self help app which helps you set, track, and reach your personal goals in all fields of life. Whether you want to lose weight, start meditation, read more regularly or lead a healthier life, GOALMAP offers you a science-based approach for building good habits and reaching your goals.

With GOALMAP, all your life goals are in one place. Stay motivated and fight procrastination to build a better work life balance.

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”A goal properly set is halfway reached.” Abraham Lincoln.

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People who set clear goals in their lives (SMART goals) have twice more chance to reach them! Bring the power of goal-setting into your life!


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1. Find the inspiration to start new challenges - Hundreds of life goals are waiting for you, in all areas of life: Sport, Well-Being, Productivity, Knowledge, Creativity, Personal Finance, etc.

2. Set clear goals for what you want to achieve - Define your personal aims: exercising 3 times per week, reading 1 hour a day, saving 300 dollars a month or lose 10 pounds within a year. GOALMAP relies on the SMART goal setting method, an effective tool for setting objectives.

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3. Build positive habits - The immediate feedback you get as you make progress helps you stay motivated and create better habits. You want to wake up early, write in your diary every day, or meditate? GOALMAP will help you build good habits - and fight bad ones. Stop procrastinating and build a new work life balance!

4. Know where you stand at all times - Your personal dashboard shows your progress and what remains to be done. You know whether you are on track to reach your goals or not. Focus on what matters.

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5. Stay motivated - All along your self help journey towards a better life balance, GOALMAP supports you with expert tips, cheerful messages, an inspiring forum where users encourage each other and reminders which help you stay motivated for the long run.

If you have any questions, please send us an email at feedback@goalmap.com, we're always here to help. Join our self help community on Facebook (https://facebook.com/goalmapcommunity) and Twitter (https://twitter.com/wearegoalmap) for well-being tips and a daily dose of motivation!

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Download GOALMAP now and become the best version of yourself!

See you soon,

The GOALMAP team